Dr. Paola Gabrieli, head of the Cav (Centro Antiviolenza) of Galatina, will bring her testimony as an operator on the territory regarding a sadly pervasive and widespread problem.
Afterwards, the show - You will hear the cry and my eternal pain - with which the Ensemble Concentus intends to propose a path of music and readings referring to this painful theme that has crossed all ages and cultures.
The story of some stories of well-known women of the past, who have suffered male violence in the name of -values- or alleged rights such as honor, lo-corrigendi-, paternal or marital power in a journey will be brought to the scene musical and literary that will start from the Middle Ages to reach ours.
Deborah De Blasi: reciting voice
Vania Palumbo: Canto
Pier Paolo Del Prete: Violin
Maurizio Ria: Viola da gamba
Angelo Gillo: Spanish guitar
Events created By: LEVERA Via Bellini, 24 Noha Galatina
Levèra: an etymology that means to raise, to lift, to support, to pry, to blow . A strong wind rises and blows from the suburbs. A wind of inclusion, of rebirth, of possibility, of trust.