-What is a theater course? At most I can say what it is not.
It's not a school, you learn at most to understand television (McLuhan said it, I don't enter, but I don't even dissociate myself).
It is not a way to overcome one's shyness. And then, why fight against the nature of our being? Why not use it?
In a theater course you do not become actors, which are not enough for twenty years to become bad actors.
Maybe you become more critical, more demanding spectators, and for this alone it would be worth trying.
You don't grow any more than in any other course, maybe sewing or managing software. Perhaps the theater is more cool?
Meanwhile, I think I know why I like to call it a 'laboratory': a laboratory I can imagine it as a place where people experiment, try, question everything, sometimes they jump into the air, they explode, and then you have to start all over again, without anxiety from performance, that when you have a fixed idea, something urgent that you want to communicate, anxiety has nothing to do with anything, it is stuff for actors to pose posing for those who know who, and the judgment does not belong to the theater . Either one judges or gets lost in the game of theater, and I prefer the second.-
Here is how Fabrizio Pugliese presents his Theater Workshop that Levèra welcomes again this year. The presentation will take place this Sunday, November 17th at 8.30 pm, on the occasion of the opening of the new theater season.
info and registration 3894250571 | 3891081226
Events created By: LEVERA Via Bellini, 24 Noha Galatina
Levèra: an etymology that means to raise, to lift, to support, to pry, to blow . A strong wind rises and blows from the suburbs. A wind of inclusion, of rebirth, of possibility, of trust.