Visit Galatina

Mory Palace

- Mory Palace in via del Balzo XVI century - Via Del Balzo, 30

Mory Palace

 The building in via del Balzo, where the ancient chapel of San Donato, which once gave its name to the street and the neighborhood, was the ancient palace of the Mory family. Here he lived in 1682 Alfonso Mory and many descendants followed him.

Mory Palace

 It is likely that this is the original residence of this family that during the 16th century expansion of the built-up area, a new building was built in that area which was called and is still called via Mory.

Mory Palace

  Il palazzo presenta il cinquecentesco portale bugnato e l'arma della famiglia Mory in chiave. Si crede plausibile l'ipotesi che un tempo anche la casa-torre attigua al palazzo facesse parte dello stesso edificio. E  che non sia da escludere il fatto che anche il palazzo ottocentesco attiguo alla casa-torre, originariamente, appartenesse ad una unica unità immobiliare.

Mory Palace
Mory Palace
Mory Palace
Mory Palace