With him on stage there will be musicians Alessandro Muscillo (bass and choirs), Andrea Miccoli (drums and electronics) and Umberto Coviello (electric guitars)
Brief biography: Vincenzo Maggiore has opened the concerts of Max Gazzè, Simona Molinari, Zibba, Samuele Bersani and Nomadi. He accompanied Mario Venuti during the festival Yeahjasì BPF 2016. He participated in festivals and competitions throughout the country (MEI - Meeting of independents, Sanremo Rock, Volcanica live Festival, Taranto Rock festival, May Day in Matera (2017), Yeahjasì Brindisi Pop Fest).
He collaborated with the American rapper Ben Barbic with whom he wrote the song "Il paradiso around". He recorded two songs for "La carovana delle merende", a recording project by Paola Petrosillo and Vito De Lorenzi for children. He accompanied the singer Lighea (Sanremo '94 and '95) in the 2010 and 2011 tours for the squares of Central and Southern Italy.
Events created by: EUTOPIA ARCI Via Montecassino,14 Galatina