-All you want to know about birth. The mysterious journey of a lifetime - by Milella Edizioni. The book is not a manual on pregnancy, but a food for thought from which to start and learn to move in the intricate world of change linked to birth and the complex weeks that follow. The author has tried to reveal the miracle that hides behind a belly that welcomes a child, to allow her to grasp, contemplate and savor its magic, power and mystery. He will speak with the author Laura Pedone, professor of philosophy and educationalist.
Viviana Presicce Obstetrician by choice as she defines herself, is in her first book. She is the author of a blog on maternity and an online platform on pregnancy and related issues. To her experience as a midwife is added that of instructor and researcher of simple and advanced meditation techniques with a method called Pranic Energy Healing. He is active in numerous national and international courses on breastfeeding, communication and active childbirth. She is a trainer of Hypnobirthing and parenting support. He collaborated in the organization of numerous conferences including the Dance of Life with Michel Odent in Parma in 2018.