The notebooks of Pietro Cavoti are the protagonists of the exhibition of the same name, curated by Salvatore Luperto and Anna Panareo and the cahier - Pietro Cavoti: the notebooks, the news pages of the time - by Antonio Giuseppe Lupo, the latter starts the a series of -quaderni- of the Bibliomuseale Pole of Galatina that will highlight the artistic and cultural excellences of the Civic Museum.
Friday, December 13, 6.00 pm, in the Cavoti Museum of Galatina, the mayor Marcello Amante, the Councilor for Culture Cristina Dettù, the Director of the Biblio-museum pole of Lecce Luigi De Luca and the Administrator of Libermedia - services and training for the Beni Culturali, manager of the Biblio-museum center of Galatina Monica Albano, with their greetings will introduce the cultural initiative and the interventions of Salvatore Luperto, Antonio Lupo, Regina Poso, and Anna Panareo on the eclectic intellectual-artist Pietro Cavoti.
Travel notebooks, full of notes, sketches, watercolors, are a mysterious and boundless reserve of cultural riches. A treasure from which to draw data and information regarding famous people and multiple historical and cultural contents of the Salento and national territory. True forerunners of the artist's book, small artist's diaries pertinent to the definition of the well-known artist's books of the second half of the twentieth century, formulated by Germano Celant: - ... of the book maintain form and structure, but which in the sovereignty of the artist's intentions are artwork- .